Compact Discs By The New England Brass Band - Douglas Yeo, Music Director

Print out and mail this form to order Be Glad Then America, The Light of the World or Honour and Glory

Orders must be paid in $ USA; enclose check or money order ONLY. Orders shipped to countries other than USA require Bank Check ONLY drawn on a USA bank. Checks must be made payable to The New England Brass Band. If you are unable to print this page, send an email message to the New England Brass Band and request an order form be sent to you via email or by surface mail.

Step 1 - Print this form.

Step 2 - Please fill in your mailing address.




State:_________________ Postal Code:_______________ Country:__________

Phone:______________________   Email address:___________________

Step 3 - Please indicate how many discs you would like to order.

Qty Cost


Total Cost
____ $15.00 Compact Disc - Be Glad Then America $___________
____ $15.00 Compact Disc - The Light of the World $___________
____ $15.00 Compact Disc - Honour and Glory $___________
XXXX XXXX Compact Disc - This is Christmas --SOLD OUT--
XXXX XXXX Compact Disc - Christmas Joy! --SOLD OUT--

Step 4 - Please total your order.

__________ Subtotal from Step 3
__________ Shipping and handling (include on ALL orders)
  • Add $2.00 for the first compact disc you have ordered.
__________ Shipping for additional items
  • Add $1.00 for each additional compact disc thereafter.
__________ Overseas shipping (In addition to above)
  • Add $4.00 additional for each order shipped outside
    USA or Canada
__________ Grand Total Enclosed
(Make check payable to The New England Brass Band)

Step 5 - Mail (NOT Email) this form to:

The New England Brass Band Recordings
c/o Charlotte Gray
20 Crowell Street
Haverhill, MA 01830

Thank you for your order!

Questions about this order form? Email the New England Brass Band