Daniel Chester French's sculpture of "Europe" shows both its ancient history, noble past and colonial conquests.
All photos below were taken by Douglas Yeo in March 2003.
A front view of Daniel Chester French's "Europe." "Europe" strikes a noble pose, her left hand supported by a
globe signifying the colonial conquests of many European countries.
This left side view shows "Europe" seated on a throne decorated with a frieze from the Parthenon in Athens, representing the
history of ancient Greece. "Europe's" right hand is resting on the bow of a ship with a lion's head, symbolizing the
conquests of Europe during the age of discovery.
A close up view of French's representation of the Parthenon frieze on the left side of "Europe."
The right side view of "Europe" shows more of the Parthenon frieze on the throne. The shrouded figure behind the
throne represents "Ancient History" which is reading a scroll and holding a skull crowned with a laurel wreath.
This close up view of "Ancient History" shows French's name carved at the bottom of the sculpture.