I was pleased to be asked to participate in a DVD production undertaken by the Great Lakes Conference of the United Methodist Church for the DVD,
Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices. Director Mark Puroshothan contacted me to invite me to speak on the subject of discipline as a musician as it relates
to being disciplined in one's spiritual life; it takes as its core the Weslyan tradition of the concept of grace. The DVD also includes video of the New England Brass Band of which I was Music Director at the time, and an interview
with Terry Everson, professor of trumpet at Boston University who at the time was pricipal cornet of the New England Brass Band. In four segments, the DVD is
extremely informative, inspiring and helpful and I recommend it highly.
To purchase the DVD, or get a fuller description of the project, click on the image above or
The DVD's producers have also posted a clip of the video on YouTube which includes my interview; you can view it below.