- Discography and Publications

Take 1

Douglas Yeo's bass trombone solo recording featuring

Live Performances in Concert

A Die letzte Posaune Production, CD 51955

Total time = 71:45

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A new bass trombone solo recording featuring Douglas Yeo in live, concert performances including:

To assist you in knowing more about Take 1, the following mp3 files are available for your convenience. Please note that all of the mp3 files included on this page are © by the individuals or companies as indicated below. The following mp3 files reproduced from my original recording Take 1 are (P) 1998, Douglas Yeo. All rights reserved. Reproduction in mp3 format of the copyrighted © compositions played on these recordings is by kind permission of the copyright holders and is for exclusive use on this website. Permission is granted to individuals to listen and download to private disk all of the files included on this page FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. Permission is NOT granted for any commercial use of the mp3 files on this page, nor may these files be put on any other website, sold, distributed, modified, "shared", or "traded." The files may not be appropriated for use in lessons or masterclasses without express written permission of Douglas Yeo AND the original copyright holder. Violation of this notice is a criminal act and will be vigorously prosecuted under the laws of the United States of America.

If you enjoy these mp3 files and would like to hear more, purchasing the CD will not only provide well deserved copyright payments to the composers and arrangers who wrote the music, but will also ensure that I will be able to fund and record future recordings. A link to an order form is below. Thank you very much for your interest and support in this musical partnership.

Dottie from Tetra Ergon by Donald White. © Brass Music Ltd, ASCAP, licensed to Kagarice Brass Editions. All Rights reserved. Douglas Yeo, Bass Trombone with Timothy Salzman, piano. Recorded April 19, 1976. Approximately 1:10 (1.1 MB).

Of Mountains from Of Mountains, Lakes and Trees by Norman Bolter. © 1997, Air-ev Productions (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Douglas Yeo, Bass Trombone with The "Frequency Band" Orchestra, Norman Bolter, conductor. Recorded March 31, 1997. Approximately 2:20 (2.2 MB).

Click here to Order Take 1

Click here to Read Complete Program Notes about Take 1.

Click here to Read Reviews of Take 1.

Unless otherwise noted, all text and graphics on this website [] are
©1996-2013 by Douglas Yeo.
All rights reserved.